Cambodia is a round shaped country, located in east of Thailand, west of Vietnam and south of Laos. Cambodia is crossed from north to south by the Mekong and is lucky to benefit from the river Tonle Sap, which also crosses the country. Namely that during the rainy season, the Mekong overflows its bed and invades the surrounding area.
Cambodia, a country tormented by wars for centuries, remains a destination with a great paradox between the beauty of its historic monuments, its temples left behind by successive empires, the horror of conflicts and torture. As you can see, Cambodia has a strong history. It is through the terror of the Khmer Rouge that the country’s identity was forged and that the most beautiful monuments and temples of Indochina appeared. Since Cambodia’s independence in 1953, the country has greatly eased tensions and has thus taken advantage to open up to tourism. This is an area that continues to grow today and is of increasing interest to travellers as it is a colourful and authentic destination.
When you hear about Cambodia, you think first of the Angkor site, don’t you? Internationally known for its temples, this archaeological site is the guarantor of the power of the Khmer empire. If it is as well known worldwide, it is because it represents an immense monument of history. Angkor was the capital of the Khmer empire from the 9th to the 15th century.
Cambodia will never cease to amaze you! If you are looking for a destination to discover other cultures and civilizations, this country will certainly satisfy you! Cambodia is an endearing and authentic country thanks to its charming people and its important history.
Have a nice trip to Cambodia !